By Selwyn A. Pieters,
B.A., LL.B., L.E.C.
Lawyer & Notary
Public (Ontario, Canada)
(Republic of Guyana, Island of Trinidad)
Posted below are a partial recording of the presentations of the President of the UARR and also the keynote speaker at the event:
Speech by Gary A. Pieters, B.A., B.Ed, M.Ed., President, Urban Alliance on Race Relations
Speech by Gerry McNeilly, Office of the Independent Police Review Director
The Late Charles C. Roach, Barrister and Solicitor was honoured with an award that was posthumously given to his surviving spouse, June Thorne-Roach.
The event was well attended by numerous members of the legal profession including Vice-Chairs and members of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario; Barbara Hall of the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ian Scott of the Special Investigations Unit; Fiona Crean, Ombudsperson for the City of Toronto.
Professors from U of T, UOIT, Osgoode and Guelp University were also in the audience.