Saturday, February 26, 2011

BLSAC Conference 2011

This year I attended BLSAC Conference as a panellist on the following subject matter
Racial Discrimination and the effectiveness of the Judicial System: A discussion of human rights tribunals as effective recourse in racial discrimination cases. The pannelist were:
  1. Selwyn Pieters, lawyer
  2. Sonia Lawrence, Lawyer and Law Professor
  3. Royland Moriah, Lawyer
  4. Richard Miller, Lawyer, Human Rights Legal Support
I addressed the Pieters v. Peel Law Association case as well as cases such as Shallow v. Toronto Police Services Board and Hamalengwa v. Ontario, as illustrative of lawyers who are championing the issue of equality rights and are not themselves immune from racial discrimination, racial harassment and racial profiling.

Professor Lawrence discussion of the SCC decisions in Bou Malhab v. Diffusion Métromédia CMR inc., 2011 SCC 9 was very helpful!!!! She reminded us that one has to be strategic in choosing the right forum to litigate. The majority of the SCC held in that case that "it should be noted that an action in defamation will not always be the appropriate recourse in cases concerning racism or discrimination.  In the instant case, I am of the opinion that it is not the appropriate recourse."

I ran into a few colleagues and friends. I was very pleased to see The Honourable Justice Romain Pitt, of Ontario Superior Court of Justice


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